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Google Search Console

Search Console tools and reports help you measure your site's Search traffic and performance, fix issues and make your site shine in Google Search results. Learn More here: 

Google Search Console set up is an optional add -on service from KMDM. (Eg - Check your agreement to see if it was part of your plan) 

How we help

KMDM can connect your Google Search Console and Google Anlaytics accounts to bring you advanced data reporting. You can only access reports by logging into your Google Accounts.

We use it to submit your website to Google for indexing. 

Some other key reasons you may like to use it.

  • Set a geo-target country for a global TLD (.com etc.)

  • Re-Index your website after major content and SEO changes have been made.

  • Set preferred domain to display, either with www. or without at the start.

  • View search analytics. What keywords are people searching that results in them seeing your listing? You can also get click reports.

  • See who links to you; external link reports.

  • Crawl errors, 404 error reports & alerts.

  • Access it here: Go to :


Want to learn more about Google Search Console? Watch their videos guides below.

You will need to be logged into your Google account to access this tool. Don't have one? Let us know and we can create one for you. 

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